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Primary Sources
Publication year
Results 529 resources
Last update from database: 3/12/25, 9:01 PM (UTC)
Primary Sources
- National Library (4)
- France (6)
Goa Historical Archives
- Embaixada à China (1)
- Leis a Favor da Cristandade (1)
- Livro das Monções (159)
- Livro de Segredos (31)
- Livro dos Reis Vizinhos (5)
Goa Historical Archives
- Italy (6)
- Mexico (1)
- Netherlands (11)
- Arquivo da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ponte de Lima (1)
Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino
Conselho Ultramarino/Macau (1587-1833))
- Caixa 01 (73)
- Caixa 02 (29)
Consultas da Índia
- Cód. 211 (1)
Conselho Ultramarino/Macau (1587-1833))
- Arquivo Nacional. Torre do Tombo (20)
- Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra (1)
- Biblioteca Nacional (28)
- Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Distrital de Évora (88)
- Spain (59)
United Kingdom
- British Museum (1)
- Full-text online (8)
Subject Headings
- Bishops of Macau (37)
- Chinese Rites (1)
- Devotions (1)
- Holy House of Mercy (2)
- Inquisition (Goa, Macau) (2)
- Politics, Society and Economics (25)
- Propaganda Fide (2)
Religious Orders
- Franciscans (4)
- Jesuits (10)
Resource type
- Book (3)
- Manuscript (526)
Publication year
Between 1600 and 1699
- Between 1600 and 1609 (28)
- Between 1610 and 1619 (23)
- Between 1620 and 1629 (93)
- Between 1630 and 1639 (108)
- Between 1640 and 1649 (120)
- Between 1650 and 1659 (29)
- Between 1660 and 1669 (9)
- Between 1670 and 1679 (28)
- Between 1680 and 1689 (27)
- Between 1690 and 1699 (64)