Full bibliography 5,216 resources
Macau’s status has never been a pacific topic even inside Portuguese historiography. Departing from Montalto de Jesus (1863-1932)’ controversial proposal to summit Macau’s administration to the League of Nations in the revised edition of his Historic Macao, 1926, the author aims to discuss the construction of the discourse on the autonomy of Macau, identify the roots of this concept, and explore its different meanings in works of some of the most relevant Portuguese and Macanese historians and authors on the topic during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
João Paulo II definiu, no livro Levantai-vos, Vamos (ed. port. Publicações D. Quixote), o novo horizonte da Igreja Católica: “A Ásia: aí está a nossa missão comum para o terceiro milénio!” (p. 68) Já no n.º 9 da Ecclesia in Asia , a exortação apostólica de 1999 sobre a presença da Igreja Católica no continente asiático, o mesmo papa tinha escrito que via “novos e promissores horizontes” a desenhar-se na Ásia, “onde Jesus nasceu e o cristianismo começou”.
The purpose of this work is to show the process of the first presence of the Salesians in East Timor, between 1927 and 1929. It is a meteoric presence for it did not last two whole years and it is also intriguing due to questions that rose. In fact, how is it possible that the Salesians decided to abandon the Island shortly after a year and a half, when the Salesians had accepted the administration of a school of arts and crafts existing already in Dili (capital of the territory) – after having celebrated a contract with the Bishop of Macau, Josè da Costa Nunes, for a sexennium – what important reasons led the Major Superiors to take such a decision before the bilateral contract celebrated in January 1927 come to an end? Such questions we tried to answer based on existing documents, mostly in the Archivio Salesiano Centrale (Rome) and in the Archive of the Portuguese Salesian Province (Lisbon), to try to dissipate the heavy cloud of mystery that wondered the island and in the range of the Provinces of the Salesians in Portugal and China.
This dissertation surveys the history of Christianity in China during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, with particular attention given to Chinese clergy and lay Christians. A variety of issues are discussed: the social organization of Christian communities, the networks among communities in different localities, internal tensions and conflicts, and Christian devotions in relation to the printing and circulation of Chinese Christian texts known as "scriptures". By examining a group of unusual sources that have been mostly neglected by past scholars---the correspondence of Chinese Christians with ecclesiastical authorities in Rome, and other more familiar but little studied sources such as memorials and edicts regarding the investigation and interrogation of Chinese Christians and Western missionaries during the period of prohibition (1724-1844)---I intend to show how the imperial ban on Christianity in 1724, especially the expulsion of missionaries and the closing of all churches outside the imperial capital, may have affected Christian beliefs and practices at the local level. The historical survey of the period from 1724 to 1780 and the two case studies in Beijing and Jiangnan from 1780 to 1860 will demonstrate that the repression of Christianity and periodic anti-Christian campaigns did, to some extent, help to shape the Christian community in China, making them into a whole body of people connected by religious identity, as distinguished from non-Christians. Yet this strong sense of community may also have been due to spiritual and social connections with Christian communities beyond China. A second contribution of this dissertation study has to do with its exploring the nuances of Christian and other forms of popular devotions. Recent scholarship that sees Christianity primarily as a Chinese popular religion may have underestimated its distinctive "foreignness" and in part misunderstood what conversion meant in the context of Chinese religion and society. To some extent, Chinese converts were attracted to Christianity because it provided another choice for them beyond the existing religious traditions. A drastically different calendar characterized by distinctive feast days, fasting and abstinence, veneration of saints, along with other peculiar Christian beliefs and practices, have become what I define as "alternative devotions".
Primary Sources
- Brasil (9)
- Arquivos de Macau (1)
Diocese of Macau
- Padres Antigos (9)
Seminário de São José
Seminary Rare Book & Special Collection
- Macau Publication (102)
Rare Book Bibliography
- 1700-1799 (25)
- 1800 to 1819 (93)
- 1820 (20)
- 1830 (27)
- Encyclopedie Catholique (10)
- Encyclopedie Moderne (23)
- Found (29)
- Historire du Consulat et de L'Empire (9)
- Found (92)
- Biographie Universelle (6)
- Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez (5)
- F1 (31)
- F2 (29)
- F3 (18)
- F4 (19)
- F5 (7)
- Histoire Universelle (17)
- Obras de ALmeida Garrett (14)
- found (136)
- 1880 (137)
- Found (121)
1900(Excel record)
- 1900 (212)
- The catholic encyclopedia (15)
Seminary Rare Book & Special Collection
- Maritime Museum (2)
- National Museum (1)
- Royal Library (2)
- Troense Maritime Museum (2)
- Archives nationales d’outre-mer (1)
- Bibliothéque Nationale (11)
National Archives
- Arquivos Departamentais - Série Yvelines E - Antigo Departamento de Seine-et-Oise (1)
- Arquivos Ministeriais - Ministério da Defesa - Serviço Histórico do Exército de Terra - Cartas Manuscritas (1)
- Arquivos Ministeriais - Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros - Fundo de Correspondência Consular e Comercial (1793-1901) (1)
- Arquivos Ministeriais - Serviço Histórico da Marinha - Série BB - Serviço Geral (1)
- Arquivos Ministeriais - Serviço Histórico das Tropas da Marinha (1)
- Fundos Ministeriais - Fundos da Marinha - Série BB- Série CC - Pessoal (1)
- Fundos Ministeriais - Fundos da Marinha - Série BB- Serviço Geral (5)
- Fundos Particulares - Série AP - Arquivos Privados - Papéis Bougainville (1)
- Fundos Particulares - Série N e NN - Cartas e Planos (1)
Goa Historical Archives
- Embaixada à China (1)
- Leis a Favor da Cristandade (4)
- Livro das Monções (187)
- Livro de Segredos (34)
- Livro dos Reis Vizinhos (7)
Goa Historical Archives
- Italy (13)
- Mexico (1)
- Netherlands (31)
- Arquivo da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ponte de Lima (1)
- Arquivo Diplomático e Biblioteca do Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros (32)
Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino
Conselho Ultramarino/Macau (1587-1833))
- Caixa 01 (74)
- Caixa 02 (92)
- Caixa 03 (78)
- Caixa 04 (53)
- Caixa 07 (41)
- Caixa 08 (31)
- Caixa 09 (12)
- Caixa 10 (21)
- Caixa 11 (36)
- Caixa 12 (51)
- Caixa 13 (36)
- Caixa 14 (52)
- Caixa 15 (23)
- Caixa 16 (27)
- Caixa 17 (68)
- Caixa 18 (48)
- Caixa 19 (55)
- Caixa 20 (40)
- Caixa 21 (40)
- Caixa 22 (53)
- Caixa 23 (26)
- Caixa 24 (32)
- Caixa 25 (45)
- Caixa 26 (44)
- Caixa 27 (63)
- Caixa 28 (61)
- Caixa 29 (43)
- Caixa 30 (74)
- Caixa 31 (48)
- Caixa 32 (48)
- Caixa 33 (58)
- Caixa 34 (39)
- Caixa 35 (67)
- Caixa 36 (49)
- Caixa 37 (84)
- Caixa 38 (75)
- Caixa 39 (28)
- Caixa 40 (39)
- Caixa 41 (63)
- Caixa 42 (34)
- Caixa 43 (39)
- Caixa 44 (64)
- Caixa 45 (52)
- Caixa 46 (65)
- Caixa 47 (27)
- Caixa 48 (54)
- Caixa 49 (44)
- Caixa 50 (30)
- Caixa 51 (50)
- Caixa 52 (33)
- Caixa 53 (48)
- Caixa 54 (32)
- Caixa 55 (42)
- Caixa 56 (74)
Consultas da Índia
- Cód. 211 (1)
- Secretaria de Estado da Marinha e Ultramar (1833-1911) (1)
Conselho Ultramarino/Macau (1587-1833))
- Arquivo Nacional. Torre do Tombo (48)
- Biblioteca da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa (14)
- Biblioteca da Ajuda (3)
- Biblioteca da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (37)
- Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra (3)
- Biblioteca Nacional (148)
- Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Distrital de Évora (196)
- Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Distrital de Leiria (4)
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau
Fundo Manuel Teixeira
- Fotografia (1)
- Manuscritos (1)
- Microfilm Collection (1)
- Slides (1)
Fundo Manuel Teixeira
- Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa (UCP) (1)
- Rádio e Televisão de Portugal. Archives (2)
- Arquivo Geral das Índias Sevilha (84)
Arquivo Geral de Simancas Valladolid.
- Estado - Espanha (1)
- Estado - Inglaterra (1)
- Estado - Portugal (2)
- Secretarias de Estado (2)
- Secretarias Provinciais (19)
- Arquivo Histórico Nacional Madrid (11)
- Arquivos Eclesiásticos (7)
- Arquivos Militares (3)
Biblioteca do Palácio Nacional - Madrid
- Secção de Mapas (1)
- Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid (11)
- Biblioteca Universitária de Valência (1)
- Thailand (20)
United Kingdom
- British Museum (5)
- Published Sources (17)
Subject Headings
- Arts and Architecture (12)
- Bishops of Macau (459)
- Chinese Rites (10)
- Devotions (7)
- Education (61)
- Holy House of Mercy (34)
- Inquisition (Goa, Macau) (10)
- MEP - Mission Étrangéres de Paris (2)
- Native Clergy, Formation of (10)
Politics, Society and Economics
- Communism (3)
- Macau Customs (77)
- Opium (Trade, War, etc.) (73)
- Senado da Câmara de Macau (481)
- Portuguese "Padroado" (63)
- Propaganda Fide (51)
- Protestant Missions (6)
Religious Orders
- Augustinians (3)
- Franciscans (12)
- Jesuits (68)
- Salesians (1)
Resource type
- Artwork (4)
- Audio Recording (1)
- Book (1,437)
- Book Section (3)
- Conference Paper (3)
- Dictionary Entry (1)
- Document (101)
- Journal Article (53)
- Letter (4)
- Magazine Article (2)
- Manuscript (3,574)
- Map (11)
- Newspaper Article (3)
- Report (1)
- Thesis (13)
- TV Broadcast (2)
- Web Page (3)
Publication year
Between 1100 and 1199
Between 1170 and 1179
- 1179 (1)
Between 1170 and 1179
Between 1400 and 1499
Between 1490 and 1499
- 1499 (2)
Between 1490 and 1499
Between 1500 and 1599
- Between 1500 and 1509 (4)
Between 1530 and 1539
- 1530 (2)
Between 1540 and 1549
- 1544 (3)
- Between 1550 and 1559 (3)
- Between 1570 and 1579 (5)
- Between 1580 and 1589 (49)
- Between 1590 and 1599 (34)
Between 1600 and 1699
- Between 1600 and 1609 (28)
- Between 1610 and 1619 (23)
- Between 1620 and 1629 (92)
- Between 1630 and 1639 (108)
- Between 1640 and 1649 (120)
- Between 1650 and 1659 (29)
- Between 1660 and 1669 (7)
- Between 1670 and 1679 (27)
- Between 1680 and 1689 (27)
- Between 1690 and 1699 (65)
Between 1700 and 1799
- Between 1700 and 1709 (56)
- Between 1710 and 1719 (46)
- Between 1720 and 1729 (54)
- Between 1730 and 1739 (90)
- Between 1740 and 1749 (16)
- Between 1750 and 1759 (12)
- Between 1760 and 1769 (8)
- Between 1770 and 1779 (210)
- Between 1780 and 1789 (268)
- Between 1790 and 1799 (146)
Between 1800 and 1899
- Between 1800 and 1809 (414)
- Between 1810 and 1819 (952)
- Between 1820 and 1829 (538)
- Between 1830 and 1839 (41)
- Between 1840 and 1849 (83)
- Between 1850 and 1859 (99)
- Between 1860 and 1869 (186)
- Between 1870 and 1879 (150)
- Between 1880 and 1889 (150)
- Between 1890 and 1899 (135)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (170)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (82)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (23)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (19)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (29)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (55)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (87)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (24)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (18)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (48)
- Between 2000 and 2024 (96)
- Unknown (282)