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Geographical explorations and the subsequent intensification of external commerce made many political actors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries AD drag in religion and its various institutions as pliable devices for strengthening their claims of monopoly and control over the political and commercial life of the newly discovered regions. In the midst of these developments, the pre-colonial struggles for appropriating surplus from the European possessions in Asia were at times in the form of struggles between different religious institutions and administrative machineries within the same belief system professed by the various European powers. These conflicts often arose when some of the religious institutions, which were devised at different points of time in history to transmit various types of spiritual experiences to the believers, were appropriated by power-mongers for realizing their political and economic agenda. One of the religious institutions that were often utilized for political purposes during the early modern period was the church administrative system of patronage or the Patronato that the Spaniards introduced in America and the Padroado Real that the Portuguese set up in Asia. As per the right of patronage that the Pope conceded in AD 1455, the Portuguese Crown became the sole authority that could send missionaries to the lands controlled by the Lusitanians, which eventually created a certain type of monopoly for them in matters of Christianity in areas under their influence and kept missionaries of other nationalities out of Asian and Brazilian soil. When the religious issues in Asia began to get increasingly embroiled in the politics of the times, thanks to the dominance of Lusitanian interests in the Padroado system, Pope Gregory XV devised the Propaganda Fide in AD 1622 as an alternative church administrative system for Asia, which in fact was meant to provide opportunities basically for non-Portuguese people, both Indians and Europeans, for missionary work in Asia. However, this led to a chain of conflicts between the ecclesiastical administrative institutions of the Padroado Real and those of the Propaganda Fide, in Asia in general and India in particular, where the core issues of contestation began to revolve around matters of politics and the exercise of power. The central purpose of this article is to examine the nuanced nature of the conflicts that arose between the church administrative systems of the Padroado and the Propaganda at different points in time and also to see how the religious conflicts were appropriated and politicized by the various European colonial powers to further their politico-economic agenda in India.
Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Portugueses), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2011
IN ENGLISH: Studies of church connections to commercial interests in pre-nineteenth-century Southeast Asia have focused on the Catholic venture in the Spanish Philippines. This article uses a broader and more ecumenical framework to incorporate eastern Indonesia into this discussion by comparing the economic involvement of Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch missionaries and church personnel. It contextualizes differences in church resources, secular oversight, and motivation, but also argues that clerical involvement with European economic ambitions helped to mark out a path toward the domestication of local Christianity. The perception of foreign priests and ministers as conduits for exploitation encouraged many Southeast Asian Christians to differentiate between the teachings of the religion they had adopted and the ways these teachings had been distorted in support of European control. // IN FRENCH: La recherche de l'Asie du Sud-Est pré-moderne touchant au rapprochement des relations de l'Église d'avec les intérêts commerciaux porte habituellement sur l'enterprise catholiques des Philippines espagnoles. Cette contribution par contre, a un cadre spatial plus vaste et au point de vue religion plus oecuménique. L'étude y inclut l'Indonésie orientale et elle compare la participation économique des missionaires et du clergé, tant espagnols, tant portuguais, tant hollandais. D'un part les différences des ressources ecclésiales, la supervision des laïques et la motivation cléricale sont étudiées d'après leur contexte, d'autre part la participation du clergé imbu d'ambitions économiques européennes est aussi explorée parce qu'elle a favorisé les modes locales du christianisme. C'est que l'image des prêtres et des pasteurs rapaces auprès les populations de l'Asie du Sud-Est stimulaient ces peuples à distinguer entre la religion adoptés par eux et la déformation de l'instruction religieuse du clergé qui visait à faciliter le contrôle européen. Reprinted by permission of Brill Academic Publishers
Este estudo pretende alertar para a existência de importantes lacunas e imprecisões no conhecimento diacrónico da Arquitectura Religiosa de Origem Portuguesa em Macau e, simultaneamente, trazer à luz novos dados que permitam confirmar e aumentar o que dela sabemos. Centrar-nos-emos na Época Moderna, em alguns edifícios , e, recorrendo a fontes gráficas e escritas, procuraremos conhecer a sua evolução. Futuramente, um estudo diacrónico aprofundado permitirá um real entendimento sincrónico e uma valorização de um núcleo classificado como Património Mundial, testemunho de um encontro intercultural, no contexto do Mundo Português e nas suas filiações Portuguesa e Europeia.
For the last four centuries, under the policy of the Portuguese Padroado1454, the Macau Catholic Church has been closely associated with the Portuguese rulers of Macau in governing this 'Chinese territory under the Portuguese rule'. This church-state relationship in Macau before the Chinese takeover (1999) and after has become a client-patron relationship under the shadow of the Portuguese appeasement policy. In the context of the appeasement policy, this paper aims at discussing: (1) the close alliance between the Portuguese government and the Catholic Church in Macau, offering special privileges and convenience to the Church but weakening church capacity in evangelization and spiritual leadership; and (2) the interactions of the three actors in the triangular relationship among the Vatican, China and Macau.
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