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Preface: Cet ouvrage netait primitivement destine quaux enfants de nos ecoles de francais. Laccueil fait a lessai meritoire tente par le P. st. Le Gall, a montre combien on en appreciait lutilite. Nous regrettons quil nait pului-meme corriger et refondre son premier travail: sa parfaite connaissance de la langue chinoise et ses etudes sur la Chine lui auraient permis datteindre une perfection a laquelle nous nosons pretendre. Nous avons pense quun ouvrage plus complet avec references, pourrait rendre quelques services aux eleves plus ages, aux professeurs et a ceux de nos compatriotes qui sinteressent au vieil Empire. Dou la division adoptee dun Cours superieur et dun Cours inferieur, le second netant quun extrait du premier. Le but explique de lui-meme la division de louvrage. Plusieurs plans soffraient a nous, egalement bons, et dont la valeur respective pourrait donner lieu a des discussions sans fin. Il fallait bien cependant nous arreter a lun deux, Nous avons choisi celui qui nous a paru le plus favorable pour lenseignement methodique a des eleves chinois. Si nous avions ecrit pour nos eleves de France, nous avrious probablement choisi une autre methode: mais nous devions tenir compte de la difficulte qu eprovvent les etrangers a saisir les nuances de notre langue et de notre enseignement. Dou cette brievete, cette uniformite dans la facon de proceder, ces repetitions, Souci de vieuz professeur quon voudra bien nous pardonner.
Processo individual do padre Baltazar Borges Fonseca
ou exposicao exegeyica,apologestica e homiletica da Vida de Nosso Senhor jesus christo
Primary Sources
- Beijing (6)
- Arquivos de Macau (6)
- Diocese of Macau. Archives (12)
Seminário de São José
Seminary Rare Book & Special Collection
- Macau Publication (102)
Rare Book Bibliography
- 1700-1799 (25)
- 1800 to 1819 (93)
- 1820 (20)
- 1830 (27)
- Encyclopedie Catholique (10)
- Encyclopedie Moderne (23)
- Found (29)
- Historire du Consulat et de L'Empire (9)
- Found (92)
- Biographie Universelle (6)
- Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez (5)
- F1 (31)
- F2 (29)
- F3 (18)
- F4 (19)
- F5 (7)
- Histoire Universelle (17)
- Obras de ALmeida Garrett (14)
- found (136)
- 1880 (137)
- Found (121)
1900(Excel record)
- 1900 (212)
- The catholic encyclopedia (15)
Seminary Rare Book & Special Collection
- University of Saint Joseph (1)
- 國立故宮博物館 (2)
- Full-text online (5)
Subject Headings
Resource type
- Book (1,253)
- Document (8)
- Manuscript (14)
- Map (2)
- Report (1)
Publication year
Between 1600 and 1699
Between 1610 and 1619
- 1610 (1)
- Between 1660 and 1669 (2)
Between 1670 and 1679
- 1673 (1)
Between 1610 and 1619
Between 1700 and 1799
- Between 1710 and 1719 (5)
- Between 1720 and 1729 (4)
Between 1730 and 1739
- 1732 (1)
- Between 1740 and 1749 (3)
- Between 1760 and 1769 (3)
- Between 1770 and 1779 (9)
- Between 1780 and 1789 (8)
Between 1790 and 1799
- 1792 (1)
Between 1800 and 1899
- Between 1800 and 1809 (10)
- Between 1810 and 1819 (85)
- Between 1820 and 1829 (20)
- Between 1830 and 1839 (28)
- Between 1840 and 1849 (68)
- Between 1850 and 1859 (93)
- Between 1860 and 1869 (177)
- Between 1870 and 1879 (144)
- Between 1880 and 1889 (136)
- Between 1890 and 1899 (128)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (158)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (61)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (9)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (6)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (16)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (47)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (7)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (3)
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1986 (3)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (7)
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2003 (1)
Between 2000 and 2009
- Unknown (33)